


Continuous monitoring: Closer than you think

From: FCW

By Patrick D. Howard

If you were offered free tires for your car or a tune-up, which would you take? One seems far more valuable than the other, but the answer would depend on the car’s needs. If your current tires are perfectly adequate, then the tune-up for your misfiring engine would be the smarter choice.

That question simplifies the complex choices federal agencies face with the “free” assistance offered by the Department of Homeland Security for its Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program.

Certainly, credit goes to DHS for bringing continuous monitoring from concept to reality and relieving budget-squeezed agencies of much of the cost burden for the transition. But how will agencies use those “free” resources from DHS? Will they choose products that fill missing gaps in their CDM migration, or could they unknowingly duplicate what they already own and end up with tires they didn’t really need?

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