


Survey: Security Breaches Go Undetected

From: Midsize Insider


Security breaches can go undetected for weeks, new research by Tripwire has found. In today’s business landscape, where third-platform technologies such as cloud, social business and big data rule, threats are on the rise as the surface area on which to perform malicious deeds continues to increase. This is an opportunity for which midsize businesses should be prepared.

Most Breaches Undetected

According to the “Mandiant 2014 Threat Report,” a new study by Tripwire featured on CNBC, most breaches go undiscovered for weeks or even months. Half of respondents admitted that their organization could detect a breach on their systems within two to four days, whereas 18 percent said it would take three days and 11 percent said it would take up to a week.

The research also found that the average time necessary to detect security breaches is 229 days, and organizations that detected their own breaches dropped to 33 percent in 2013 from 37 percent the year before.

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