


Not up to speed on continuous diagnostics and mitigation? Then wave goodbye to billions of cybersecurity dollars

From: FedBiz

The federal cybersecurity market segment has finally started to gel into a definable, addressable market – valued at $13 billion, if you believe the Office of Management and Budget estimates. But it might actually be even higher than that.

For more than 10 years federal agencies have been buying assorted tools and services tightening the security controls and improving risk postures of federal business systems to get good grades on their annual report cards to Congress. But for nearly six years, bigger picture thinkers have been trying to set up a coherent cyber policy backed by legislation that would point the way for the entire country. New legislation still hasn’t arrived, but a funded program called continuous diagnostics and mitigation — CDM for short – has taken hold as the next phase of fighting cyber attacks in federal information systems.

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