


6 tips for adopting open source

From: GCN

By David Egts

Open source code drives collaborative innovation from a larger pool of developers at a lower cost, which is why federal agencies are adopting the “open source first” model. In fact Sonny Hashmi, CIO of the General Services Administration, recently announced that implementing open source software is among his top priorities this year.

So what’s the best way to increase your agency’s adoption of open source software and keep it secure? Here are six tips to get you there:


3. Use SCAP for continuous monitoring of your datacenter’s security posture.

So, you just installed some open source software. How do you properly secure it? Fortunately, the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) transformed security policy from human-interpreted prose to machine readable, unambiguous XML. In the past, SCAP scanners were only available from proprietary companies. Today, open source tools like OpenSCAP are freely available, built into many operating systems and certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. By combining OpenSCAP with systems management tools, IT pros can run large-scale automated scans frequently, ensuring the efficiency and security of the data center.

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