


How Not to Be Sony Pictures

From: IEEE Spectrum

By Mark Anderson

The scope of the recent hack of Sony Pictures — in which unidentified infiltrators breached the Hollywood studio’s firewall, absconded with many terabytes of sensitive information and now regularly leak batches of damaging documents to the media — is only beginning to be grasped. It will take years and perhaps some expensive lawsuits too before anyone knows for certain how vast a problem Sony’s digital Valdez may be.

But the take-away for the rest of the world beyond Sony and Hollywood is plain: Being cavalier about cybersecurity, as Sony’s attitude in recent years has been characterized, is like playing a game of corporate Russian roulette.


Fengmin Gong, chief strategy officer and co-founder of Santa Clara, Calif.-based Cyphort security, says today the best security strategies also include continuous monitoring of their networks for suspicious movements of their most carefully guarded data. Security is best, in a sense, presuming that security sometimes fails.

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