


Cisco 2015 security report highlights need for threat detection

From: ArcticWolf

Tom Clare

While much of the talk about cybersecurity recently has been centered around the need for organizations to invest more heavily in defense solutions, a new industry report suggests that increased cyberthreat education may be what’s needed instead.

Cisco’s 2015 annual security report analyzed threat information from last year and looked ahead to see what the pressing cybersecurity issues of 2015 will be. According to the report, enterprise IT decision-makers are much more confident in their defense postures than they should be, with 60 percent of organization failing to implement the necessary security patches. In fact, of the businesses surveyed that use Internet Explorer as their default browser, only 10 percent reported running the latest version, opening themselves up to a slew of zero day vulnerabilities. Despite this obvious lack of protection, 90 percent of survey participants still reported being confident in their cybersecurity capabilities.

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