


Putting the Pieces Together: Continuous Monitoring – Continuous Diagnostics – Authority to Operate – FISMA and OMB Memos Training Workshop for Government

From: Potomac Forum Limted | Government Employees: Early Bird Registration Fee: $795 before February 28th

How does FISMA 2.0, the recent changes in NIST (NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 4), and OMB Security Mandates (M-14-03 and M-14-04) affect the way Government Executives, Managers and Staff implement or manage a government information security program

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Information systems security is considered one of the top priorities for most CIOs and agency heads.  There are many pieces to security management, compliance and reporting requirements.   The new FISMA regulation emphasizes on the importance of including an Information Security Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) program as part of agencies Information Technology (IT) Security Program. With new FISMA requirements on one hand and OMB requirements/DHS reporting requirements and NIST special guidance and standards on the other hand, many executives, managers and staff often  face challenges trying to comply with security regulations while maintaining an increasingly resilient IT security and privacy management Program.

This Potomac Forum Training Workshop will put the pieces together for information systems security requirements and help agencies comply with the many requirements while minimizing the burden on staff. Workshop attendees will gain an understanding of:

  • The requirements of the FISMA 2.0 and how they affect the CIO metrics and reporting,
  • The best practices for aligning the ISCM strategy with the new FISMA 2.0 requirements, and
  • The changes to NIST SP 800-53 in Revision 4.

What You Will Learn: 

  • The requirements and expectation of the new FISMA 2.0
  • How to address FISMA 2.0 and ISCM requirements in developing an effective security program
    • ISCM and FISMA FY14 reporting guidance, methodology and requirements from both a CIO and IG perspective
  • Additional understanding of ISCM,  Continuous Monitoring – Continuous Diagnostics – What Agencies Need to Know and to Do
  • How to Develop, Maintain and Implement ISCM Strategy
  • Guidance on Assessing and Developing Staff and Resources for your ISCM Strategy
  • Current trends in ISCM products and services
  • ISCM Lessons Learned from Federal information security executives
  • Independent Evaluations of ISCM from an IG audit perspective
  • Using Continuous Monitoring Diagnostics for Better Authority To Operate  “ATO” Decision Making

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