


DHS shutdown: ‘There’s an opportunity cost’

From: FCW

By MarkĀ  Rockwell

Federal agencies won’t lose their existing Department of Homeland Security cyber protections if a DHS spending bill is not enacted this week, but big cyber projects and the security workforce could face longer-term, less tangible effects.


In remarks at a Feb. 20 American Bar Association event, Andy Ozment, assistant secretary of the Office of Cybersecurity and Communications within NPPD, said that a shutdown “grinds to a halt” CDM and Einstein 3A. His comments echoed his Feb. 12 testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee’s Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Security Technologies Subcommittee that a shutdown could force a furlough of 140 staff members at the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center, as well as stall Einstein and CDM efforts.

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