


New Security Mindset: Focus On The Interior

From: InformationWeek/DarkReading

Kelly Jackson Higgins

Chief privacy officer Jason Straight shares his insights on why organizations are struggling to stop the breach wave — and manage the aftermath.

Hackers keep on hacking, breaches keep on happening. The cycle continues, as major corporations now routinely get successfully compromised. A key element of the equation now is properly and efficiently responding to an attack as well as managing its aftermath.


Dark Reading: What are organizations doing wrong in how they’re focusing their energies in security?

Straight:  Misallocation of security resources: we continue to be more focused on perimeter protection than on internal controls and monitoring. It’s clear that attackers are already inside or could be anytime they want and there’s nothing you can do about it on the perimeter. We continue to dump money in there, which is exactly what the security industry wants you to do. There’s a ton of money in selling all these tools.

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