


Get ready for wearables

From: GCN

By Kirk Norsworthy

Wearables are poised to seriously affect our day-to-day lives. In fact, reports indicate Apple intends to manufacture more than five million Apple Watches in its first run. Consumers generally set trends while businesses and government agencies follow on adoption, but the success of the Apple Watch and other wearables will affect how quickly these devices infiltrate agencies. Though we may be years away from significant adoption, it’s important for government agencies to begin incorporating wearables into their security planning now.


Wearables need to be treated as an extension of the total security architecture and assessments that agencies do today. The same controls for computers need to be present and mandatory for access by smart wearables, including strong passwords and data encryption. The technical security needs to include consideration of the same basic concerns: perimeter network defense, vulnerability management and network monitoring. Finally, security success comes only through training and awareness coupled with active continuous monitoring.

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