


Why continuous monitoring and JIE make a perfect match

From: Defense Systems

By Chris  LaPoint

With its ongoing effort toward a Joint Information Environment, the Defense Department is experiencing something that’s extremely familiar to the enterprise world: a merger. The ambitious effort to consolidate communications, services, computing and enterprise services into a single platform is very similar to businesses coming together and integrating disparate divisions into a cohesive whole. Unlike a business merger, however, JIE will have a major impact on the way the DOD IT is run, ultimately providing better flow of and access to information that can be leveraged throughout all aspects of the department.

When JIE is complete, DOD will have a single network that will be much more efficient, secure and easier to maintain. IT administrators will have a holistic view of everything that’s happening on the network, allowing them to pinpoint how one issue in a specific area can not only be detrimental to that portion of the network but also how it impacts other areas.

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