


The importance of education in solving today’s corporate security issue

From: Australian Broadcasting Corporation

By Anthony Stitt

When it comes to security, the long-standing saying that education is the great equaliser often tends to be put on the back burner. Organisations focus on technology rather than addressing a common root cause – people. While security issues cannot be addressed without technology, organisations also need to consider how education can address the people problem.


Of course, an ideal solution combines people, process and technology together into a cohesive solution. Placing relevant and timely security information in the hands of security investigators is a problem that has dodged the industry for decades. SIEM (security information and event management) technology has not always delivered on the promise of all-encompassing security correlation across the enterprise. Rises in traffic and log volumes further challenge existing techniques. Open source projects like OpenSOC, Storm, Kafka and others represent a new breed of technologies that can deal with the speed and volume of security telemetry in today’s networks. These aim to process, correlate and enrich event data in real time so that security investigators have better telemetry to assess the risk and provide an appropriate response. But the skills, experience and education of the investigators is critical to making such technology useful.

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