


Cyber security in process plants: Recognizing risks, addressing current threats

From: Control Engineering

As attacks on industrial control systems (ICSs) become more frequent and increasingly sophisticated, defensive strategies must evolve to keep up. Fortunately, the tools are getting better. See related video.

Eric Knapp


Understanding risks

The plant floor and process units have become a growing area of concern for cyber security. In much of the industrial base, operations are digitally driven. The era of analog has given way to networks of computers, automated machinery, and ubiquitous sensors. Plants are driven by a digital thread of technical data—product and process information—that can be shared throughout the enterprise and must be protected.

Much attention has been given to protecting technical information in IT systems and networks. But protecting the operational systems of a manufacturing enterprise presents a new and different set of challenges. Not only must the technical data be shielded from theft, it also must be protected from alteration that could impair proper functioning of a process operation or affect the safety and availability of the production system. These concerns are especially challenging for small and mid-size companies. For industrial sites, vulnerabilities to cyber threats include:

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