


IRS hires ‘white-hat’ hackers to help protect IT systems

From: FederalNewsRadio.com | 1500 AM

By Jason Miller


“Synack will be helping with this initiative through our crowdsourced security testing solution,” said a company spokeswoman in an email to Federal News Radio. “Synack’s Red Team, a network of white hat security researchers located around the world, work from an adversarial perspective to uncover hidden vulnerabilities in our customers’ systems, like websites, applications, networks and more. For the IRS, Synack’s vetted Synack Red Team (SRT) will be doing more of the same.”


“TIGTA identified weaknesses within the IRS’s cybersecurity program in which three domains need significant improvement (information security continuous monitoring, configuration management and identity and access management),” auditors said in the report released Oct. 27. “TIGTA also identified weaknesses in the electronic authentication process controls. Additional areas that need improvement include physical security controls, backing up and restoring data, and SharePoint controls.”

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