


Ransomware 2.0: Anatomy of an emerging multibillion business

From: CSO


What to expect from and how to resist the fastest growing sector of cybercrime in 2017?


Attackers can easily rent a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) infrastructure for as low as $39.99 per month, making up to $195,000 of monthly profit without much effort in comparison to other niches of digital fraud and crime. The business of ransomware has become so attractive that some cybercriminals don’t even bother to actually encrypt the data, but just extort money from their victims with fake malware. The victims are so scared by media stories about ransomware, combined with law enforcement agencies’ inability to protect them or at least to punish the offenders, that they usually pay.


Below are six essential steps that will help you avoid paying ransoms:


  • Implement continuous monitoring of your physical and virtual IT infrastructure, software and security patches, as well as of new threats and malware targeting your industry.

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