


Agencies Adopt New Cybersecurity Tools in the Post-Snowden Era

From: FedTech

Feds turn to anti-scraping tools and to deactivating removable hardware as part of new security protocols.



Taking a Layered Security Approach

Chris Wlaschin, CISO at the Health and Human Services Department, says his agency has made “tremendous strides” in increasing its ability to detect and respond to cyberattacks. As an example, he says the department has exceeded the federal targets for Personal Identity Verification protections for privileged and unprivileged users. HHS is also implementing the first of the four-phase Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation cybersecurity program led by the Department of Homeland Security. That program provides agencies with tools and capabilities to regularly identify and mitigate risks.

“These efforts have been expanded to include multiple layers of cybersecurity, numerous technologies, processes, and programs to address vulnerabilities and increased information sharing with federal partners and the health sector,” Wlaschin says.

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