


Should other CIOs be concerned about what happened to Treasury’s Bhagowalia?

From: FederalNewsRadio.com | 1500am

By Jason Miller


The job description also discusses the role of the federal CISO, opening the door that the administration plans on hiring one.

In describing the offices the federal CIO would oversee, the description stated:

“The federal Chief Information Security Officer’s (CISO) responsibilities include setting a governmentwide vision for continuously improving the cyber posture of both the federal government and critical infrastructure sectors in conjunction with authorities promulgated by both OMB and the Department of Homeland Security. The deputy CISO assists the CISO in the development and implementation of the larger cybersecurity vision for the federal government. The CISO is the key liaison for government to government interaction on cyber matters and also leads an integrated cybersecurity approach developed for private sector entities. The CISO leads engagement with agencies regarding cyber posture, FISMA performance, incident management and adoption and achievement of milestones within government-wide initiatives such as the Cybersecurity National Action Plan and the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program. The CISO conducts Cyberstat reviews and provides technical assistance to agencies to achieve goals. The CISO maintains external stakeholder engagement and strategic cyber partnerships such as, but not limited to, integration with the Department of Homeland Security, the President’s Commission on Cybersecurity, industry engagement regarding best practices and solutions, and coordination with NIST on standards. The CISO leads coordination of appropriate measures and metrics to drive improvement in cybersecurity posture across the federal government and aligns closely with the agency engagement team under the deputy federal CIO to ensure all metrics are coordinated.”

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