


SCAP 1.2 Validation Test Suite version 1- Available for Download

From: SCAP Validation Team, NIST SCAP Validation Program

SCAP Community Members,

The SCAP 1.2 validation test suite version 1- is now available for download from SCAP Validation Program Publications and Resources webpage. The direct URL is https://scap.nist.gov/validation/downloads/SCAP1.2ValidationTestContent_1-

This release adds support for Microsoft Windows 10 32 and 64bit, and Apple Mac OS 10.11 platforms, includes additional test cases for behaviors attributes of the OVAL file_test on Windows, RHEL, and Mac OS X, and addresses several bugs in the validation test content as described in the change log. Please refer to the change log for a complete list of updates.

Labs may begin testing products with the Validation Test Content 1- as of today, September 14, 2017. NIST will accept test reports based on version 1- until March 15, 2018. Labs shall complete testing and submit test reports based on version 1- within the specified time frame.

Please send any questions or comments to the SCAP Validation team at ir7511comments@nist.gov.

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