


How one contractor belittled the White House’s IT modernization strategy

From: Federal News Radio

By Jason Miller


Along with Oracle’s comments, here are a few others that were interesting or out of the ordinary:


• Adobe is encouraging the White House to not just accelerate the continuous diagnostics and mitigation program, but move to phase four immediately. Under phase four, DHS would provide data protection tools, such as encryption and digital rights management. Additionally, Adobe brought up the lack of any mention of citizen services in the draft strategy. “On balance, the report’s recommendations include networks, security controls and improved contracting. But these are tactics on a road toward digital modernization strategy. In contrast, a strategic focus for improving government begins with tackling the citizen and government customer experience. Ensuring a concurrent focus—or equally prioritized emphasis—on modern digital experiences achieves an even greater outcome of reduced operating costs, increased performance, and better advocacy from the electorate, as well as the hardworking personnel who execute the business of government,” Adobe stated.

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