


Continuous Monitoring for Industry

The Financial Executives Research Foundation (FERF) has released a report, Benefits of Continuous Monitoring (attached below) which seeks to “better understand how companies have implemented Continuous Monitoring” based on the experiences of 11 private sector organizations. 

It should be noted that the concept of continuous monitoring in the study is broader than the FISMA model and goes beyond monitoring of internal security controls to examine issues related to monitoring of external transactions to help improve management efficiency.  Thus, caution should be exercised in interpreting the study from a cybersecurity perspective. 

Nonetheless, the overall thrust of the report rings true: in an “era of ever increasing regulation, operational risk and decreasing operational margins, the one thing that most businesses agree on is the need for operational efficiency easier, more flexible and less risky. The reliance on and need for automation, standardization and centralization will continue to intensify.”


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