


DOT IG critical of recurring FISMA security weaknesses

From: FierceGovernmentIT

By Molly Bernhart Walker

Despite a series of damning, yearly Federal Information Security Management  Act compliance audits, the Transportation Department failed again in fiscal  2012 to remedy recurring weaknesses that expose the department to serious  security threats, according to a Nov. 14 Office of Inspector General report  (.pdf). Twenty-one of 35 open recommendations made since 2009 remain open, say  report authors.

In 2009, the department’s security program did not meet all federal  requirements and the following year its lack of progress in other critical areas  constituted a material weakness in internal controls. In 2011, DOT had not  corrected weaknesses in its information security procedures, enterprise-level  and system-level controls, and management of corrective actions.

“Overall, the department’s information security system was still not  effective,” write report authors.

The OIG also called out three FISMA security program area problems that need  the most attention. First, procedures for accepting and monitoring shared  security controls have not been developed. Second, continuous monitoring  procedures are in draft and require additional detail to guide operating  administration personnel in the development of monitoring practices. And  finally, capital planning and investment is lacking; procedures for managing  security costs as part capital planning are not developed and there are no  procedures for developing enterprise architecture, write report authors.

In addition to the 21 recommendations that remain open, the OIG recommends  the DOT chief information officer work with operating administrations to help  them better develop processes for inheriting controls, crafting continuous  monitoring strategies and improving capital planning.

The OIG also recommends the department set timelines for incident remediation  based on risk. The CIO should remove inactive computer devices from Active  Directory by requiring administrations to formulate a process for their timely  removal, reviewing those policies and seeing that the policies are implemented,  recommend auditors.

The OIG also recommends the department develop, document and approve an  enterprise-wide risk management program compliant with the National Institute of  Standards and Technology’s Special  Publication 800-39 (.pdf).

In response to OIG recommendations, the department outlined its  priorities for the coming year and committed to providing auditors with  “specific planned actions and milestones” to address their numerous  recommendations.

For more: – download  the report, FI-2013-014 (.pdf)

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