


Specification for the Asset Summary Reporting Format (Draft)

Editor’s Note:  Comments on the draft Specification for the Asset Summary Reporting Format 1.0, attached below, are due no later than June 6, 2012 and should be sent to: to asr-comments@nist.gov.

From The Introduction to NIST IR-7848:

The Asset Summary Reporting (ASR) format is a data model to express the transport format of summary information about one or more sets of assets. The data model facilitates the interchange of aggregated asset information throughout and between organizations. ASR is vendor neutral and leverages widely adopted, open specifications; it is flexible, and suited for a wide variety of reporting applications.

The primary goal of the ASR format is to describe summary information about one or more arbitrarily large and complex asset-related data sets in a standardized manner. Second, ASR seeks to allow content producers the ability to choose an appropriate level of detail depending on their needs and data set size requirements. Finally, ASR seeks to reduce the complexity of producing and consuming summary result documents.

For the purposes of this specification, an asset is considered to be anything that has value to an organization. Computing devices are one form of asset that many organizations track. Additional examples are networks, people, and organizations. This specification, however, does not limit asset summary reporting to those examples; information about any set of assets may be summarized.

While this specification was developed to support the immediate needs of the security automation and the continuous monitoring communities, it is expected that this specification will be valuable to any process where producing or consuming summary data is desired.


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