


National security systems should move to cloud, says White House advisory committee

Editor’s Note:  To see NSTAC’s Highest Priority recommendations to the President, please see FISMA Focus here.

From: FierceGovernmentIT

The president should direct agencies that oversee national security and  emergency preparedness, or NS/EP, programs to move mission-critical systems to  the cloud, recommends  (.pdf) a May 15 report to the president from the White House’s national security  telecommunications advisory committee.

The report says all NS/EP-related cloud service level agreements should  address continuous availability and assured capacity, identity management,  periodic third-party audit, continuous monitoring, encryption of data at rest,  security process transparency, and the certification and accreditation of  hosting systems and processes.

Report authors also recommend that the Federal Risk Authorization Management  Program, or FedRAMP, expand to  include more “high risk impact level” environments, in order to include more  systems relevant to NS/EP.

The government should also consider launching a new collaborative program  that could give “priority access to cloud-based equities in times of need, based  on infrastructure degradation due to natural or man-made causes,” says the  report.

Before directing NS/EP systems to be moved to the cloud however, the  administration should consider some policy issues, says the committee. For  example, prior to migration to a cloud where the vendor could store data on  servers in foreign countries “conduct an examination of the data laws for  foreign countries and only proceed if the results indicate acceptably-robust  protections for such data,” recommend authors.

The Homeland Security Department and the General Services Administration  could help agencies with jurisdiction over NS/EP select the best cloud  solutions, says the report.

For more: – download  the “NSTAC Report to the President on Cloud Computing” (.pdf)

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