• $150M to zone ocean tucked in Sandy aid bill

    Editor’s Note:  Fortunately the legislative  process addressed extraneous additions to the Sandy Relief  Bill.

    $150M to zone ocean tucked in Sandy aid bill

     By: Audrey Hudson  
    Human Events

     The House tonight approved the Flores amendment to strip $150 million for Ocean zoning on a vote of 221 yeas to 197 nays.

    Tucked inside a massive spending bill intended to help victims of Hurricane Sandy but loaded with pork projects is $150 million for President Barack Obama’s ambitious plan to zone the oceans.

    If approved by the House today, the money will go to a regional ocean partnership to help begin implementation of Obama’s highly controversial National Ocean Policy.

    But not without a fight from Rep. Bill Flores: The Texas Republican will introduce an amendment this afternoon to kill the funding for the “marine special planning” project.

    Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.) reportedly inserted the ocean zoning funding into the bill.

    Human Events reported last year that the plan allows for Washington bureaucrats to take command of the oceans – and with it, control over the nation’s energy and fisheries in what lawmakers described as the ultimate power grab.

    “This one to me could be the sleeping power grab that Americans will wake up to one day and wonder what the heck hit them,” Flores told Human Events.

    The effects of Obama’s far-reaching policy would be felt by numerous industries including wind farms and other renewable energy undertakings, ports, shipping vessels, and other marine commerce, and upstream it would also affect mining, timber, even farming.

    It will impact consumers directly through rules addressing recreational uses such as fishing and boating, and restricting the multiple use development of the ocean’s resources would also increase the cost of fuel and food.

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