• Sea Change launched to better protect Hauraki Gulf (New Zealand Government)

    Monday, 9 September 2013, 6:57 pm
    Press Release: New Zealand Government

    Sea Change launched to better protect Hauraki Gulf

    Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith tonight officially launched the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Planning process to help shape the gulf over the next 30 years.

    “We need to lift our game on how the Hauraki Gulf marine environment is managed. Decision making is too fragmented between different public agencies. Key commercial, recreational, conservation and cultural groups tend to fight their own corner. This marine spatial planning process is an opportunity for public agencies and key interest groups to work together on the development of a 30 year vision for the Hauraki Gulf,” Dr Smith says.

    The parties to the new Hauraki Gulf Spatial Plan are the Department of Conservation, Ministry for Primary Industries, Auckland Council, Waikato Regional Council, Hauraki Gulf Forum, and tangata whenua representatives. The planning process will involve the partners producing a discussion document for public submissions next year, with the aim of having the plan finalised in 2015. $1.8 million from central and local government has been budgeted to the support the development of the plan.

    “This marine planning initiative is consistent with the Government’s Bluegreen agenda of putting greater emphasis on the importance of marine conservation and taking a more collaborative approach to resolving conservation challenges,” Dr Smith says.

    “It is appropriate that the Hauraki Gulf is New Zealand’s first application of spatial planning in the marine and coastal environment. We have such a vast ocean area of 600 million hectares and coastline of 15,000 kilometers that this sort of approach has not been previously needed. The growth of Auckland’s population and economy now requires that we take this more sophisticated approach to managing New Zealand’s busiest coastal space.

    “Few international cities are blessed with a natural treasure like Auckland is with the Hauraki Gulf. The 1.2 million hectares of ocean, 50 islands and countless endemic marine species need a carefully balanced and integrated marine plan to help support Auckland’s future and prosperity for a great lifestyle.”

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