• Minister Edna Molewa calls for comments on the gazetted National Coastal Management Programme of South Africa, in terms of section 44(2) of National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (No.24 of 2008)

    From: South African Department of Environmental Affairs

    30 May 2014


    The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Ms Edna Molewa has today, 30 May 2014, published for public comment under section 44 (2) of the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management 2008 act. (No.24 of 2008) inGazette No. 37682

    Historically, coastal management efforts did not recognise the value of coastal ecosystems as a cornerstone for development. South Africa has chosen to embrace a holistic approach, known as Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The purpose of ICM is to maximize the benefits provided by the coastal zone and to minimize the conflicts and harmful effects of activities upon each other, on resources and on the environment. It starts with an analytical process to set objectives for the development and management of the coastal zone. Therefore the Integrated Coastal Management Act (No. 24 of 2008) (hereafter referred to as the “ICM Act”) has been promulgated, to establish the statutory requirements for integrated coastal and estuaries management in South Africa.

    The ICM Act is the first legislation of its kind in South Africa and the African continent, which promotes the integrated management and sustainable use of the country’s coastal resources and represents a fundamental shift in thinking about the shared and vested use of these resources by all South African citizens. ICM also prescribes the inclusion of norms, standards and policies for further elaboration and guidance on coastal management provisions within legislation and specific scenarios and/or issues. One of the many reasons for the adoption of this form of management is to promote the conservation of the coastal environment, and to maintain the natural character of coastal landscapes and seascapes. The purpose of ICM is to ensure that the development and use of natural resources in the coastal zone is socially and economically justifiable, as well as being ecologically sustainable.

    The ICM Act contains a variety of tools that can be used to ensure the following:

    • The coastal zone is conserved;
    • Development is conducted in an environmentally sustainable manner; and
    • Transgressions by individuals or groups are dealt with through appropriate measures and/or fines.

    Amongst these tools, Coastal Management Programmes (CMPs) are arguably the most powerful integrating instruments with regards to ICM. CMPs also play the vital role of bringing together the various spheres and sectors of government, private sector activities and community activities on the coast for the effective implementation of ICM over a projected period of time. This is achieved by ensuring that the development and use of natural resources in the coastal zone is done with the best interests of the public and economy, while being ecologically sustainable.

    Coastal Management Programmes developed in terms of the ICM Act firstly facilitate the achievement of integrated and coordinated coastal management. South Africa’s coastline is rich and diverse, providing a myriad of benefits and resources to the public. It is also a complex and interconnected natural system, serving as a central hub of ecological, social and economic interactions. As a result, there is an ever-expanding demand for coastal resources and coastal space which results in multiple-use conflicts, making it necessary to adopt a coordinated or integrated approach to managing the coast.

    The NCMP framework, including the framework for cooperative governance, provided the template for the detailed Situation Analysis related to coastal management in South Africa, as well as providing a structured approach to engage with the stakeholders. Following a detailed situational analysis and a key stakeholder consultation process, nine key priorities for coastal management was identified, that is key issues that are currently preventing South Africa from achieving the Vision for our coast. For each of the key priorities the NCMP then set out a series of national goals and associated management objectives specifically aimed at areas which coastal management efforts at national government level must address.

    South Africa’s National Coastal Management Programme (NCMP) represents the Department of Environmental Affairs’ (DEA’s) commitment to implementing ICM in South Africa and is the policy directive on Integrated Coastal Management that provides for a coordinated, integrated and uniform approach to coastal management by government departments (organs of state), NGOs, the private sector and local communities.

    To access the National Coastal Management Programme, click on the link below:

    >> South Africa’s National Coastal Management Programme.

    Members of the public are invited to submit written comments to the Minister within 30 days of the publication of these notices. Comments on the programme may be addressed as follows:

    Hand deliver to:

    The Deputy Director-General
    Department of Environmental Affairs
    Branch: Oceans and Coasts
    Attention: Mr Ryan Peter
    East Pier Building 2, East Pier Road
    Victoria and Alfred Waterfront
    Cape Town

    By post to:

    The Deputy Director-General: Environmental Programmes
    Department of Environmental Affairs
    Branch: Oceans and Coasts
    Attention: Mr Ryan Peter
    PO Box 52126
    Victoria and Alfred Waterfront
    Cape Town

    By E-mail to: jpeter@environment.gov.za

    Makwarela Matshili
    Tel: 021 819 2628

    For media queries, contact:

    Zolile Nqayi
    Cell: 082 898 6483

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