• Comments Sought on National Marine Sanctuaries ICR

    The U.S. Department of Commerce seeks public comment on a proposed information collection, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. Written comments must be submitted on or before November 22, 2016.

    This request is for a new collection of information. NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is conducting research to measure the public’s opinions about sanctuary visitor centers, exhibits, and kiosks. Exhibits and kiosks covered under the survey can be permanent or traveling/ temporary. The survey will be administered annually both within an ONMS visitor center as well as at partner venues that host an exhibit or kiosk on a national marine sanctuary or marine national monument. The survey will cover visitor centers, exhibits, and kiosks system-wide across all the national marine sanctuaries and marine national monuments managed or comanaged by NOAA’s ONMS. The visitor survey will be conducted to obtain an objective analysis of visitor experiences within a sanctuary visitor center or at a partner venue that includes an exhibit or kiosk with information on a national marine sanctuary or marine national monument.

    Click here for more details and relevant links.

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