• Russia Resists Creation of Antarctic Marine Protected Areas

    ABC News published an article on Russian recalcitrance toward creation of marine protected areas.  This article included the following:

    “Russia is now the only country holding back support to create marine protected areas (MPA) in Antarctica, and is facing international pressure to agree to the plan.

    A meeting of 24 countries is underway in Hobart, and members are set to spend the next fortnight deciding if they should protect the waters of the Ross Sea and East Antarctica.

    The issue has been before the international committee for more than five years.

    The Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) plans to create nine marine reserves around Antarctica.

    But despite years of negotiations, the 24 countries and the European Union that make up the group have not even managed to agree on how to manage the reserves, let alone create any.

    The Ross Sea marine reserve looks set to be the first, but only if Russia agrees.”

    Click here to read the rest of this article.

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