• Arctic Council Project on Marine Protected Areas

    On 11 May 2017, the Foreign Ministers of the eight Arctic States will convene, together with delegations from the Council’s indigenous Permanent Participant organizations, for the tenth biennial Arctic Council Ministerial meeting. The event will be held in the John A. Carlson Community Activity Center of Fairbanks, Alaska.

    The meeting will be streamed live on the website of the U.S. Department of State and on the Arctic Council’s website. To keep apprised of ongoing updates, consider following @USArctic and @ArcticCouncil on Twitter.

    The U.S. Chairmanship theme “One Arctic: Shared Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities” is reflected in much of the work completed by the Arctic Council’s six Working Groups and Task Forces during the U.S. Chairmanship. One example of this work is the Working Group PAME (Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment) presentation of the project Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Network Toolbox: Area-based conservation measures and ecological connectivity. This project aims to inform decision-makers, practitioners, indigenous people, and stakeholders involved in developing MPA networks and ecosystem-based management in the marine Arctic.

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