• NOAA Sends Marine Sanctuary ICR to OMB/OIRA

    The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has submitted the following Paperwork Reduction Act Information Collection Request to the Office of Management and Budget for review: Socioeconomics of Users and Non Users of Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary. OMB Control Number: 0648–0625.

    This ICR is for a reinstatement, with changes, of a previous information collection. NOAA, through its National Ocean Service, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, is replicating a study done in 2010–2011 on users and non-users of Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Georgia. The study will support analysis of its current regulations to support management plan revision, which could include changes in regulations.

    The study will collect information to assess recreational uses of GRNMS and surrounding areas off the coast of Georgia, demographic profiles, and attitudes on GRNMS current regulations, especially the research only area, which displaced recreational fishing. In addition, user perceptions of the conditions of GRNMS natural resources/environment will be obtained.

    Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent by September 15, 2017, to OMB/OIRA.

    Click here for more details and relevant links.

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