• CRE Testifies Before the NOAA SAB on Marine Spatial Planning

    CRE made a presentation to the NOAA SAB on November 3  in Silver Spring, MD. 

    CRE made two recommendations to the SAB:

    (1)   the SAB should  request that they be accorded the opportunity to review the CEQ/NOAA document on Marine Spatial planning to prepared as a result of the recent directive of the President.

     (2)  the SAB request a briefing from NOAA staff on the Data Quality Act and its applicability to the aforementioned report on marine spatial planning and its applicability to NOAA marine models.

    CRE also emphasized NOAA’s excellent track record on implementing the DQA, in particular its commitment to the pre-dissemination review requirements of the Data Quality Act, see http://thecre.com/pdf/Emerging_Information_Quality_Act-Pre-Dissemination_Review_&_Documentation_Form.pdf

    CRE was also advised that NOAA intends to release the aforementioned document on spatial planning for public comment. CRE applauds NOAA’s commitment to transparency.

     CRE  also applauds NOAA’s commitment to science based policy but did not understand the reason behind the decision of the  NOAA DFO for the SAB to preclude members of the SAB from asking questions on the CRE presentation.

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