• Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance Releases Draft Action Plan, Announces Hearing

    The South Atlantic Alliance, a partnership formed by the governors of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, have released a draft Action Plan as a regional response  to “address the key environmental, economic, and cultural issues facing the Southeastern U.S. coastal and ocean region.”

    The document explains that the Action Plan and the Administration’s National Ocean Policy some common objectives including “scientifically sound, ecosystem strengthened and integrated ocean observation, and coastal marine spatial planning.”

    The draft Action Plan calls for initiation of “a joint federal and marine resources and activities (e.g., commercial and recreational fishing areas, shipping lanes, military areas, energy development areas, sand resource areas used for beach nourishment, etc.) for incorporation into multi‐state agency marine spatial plan that identifies the location of key coastal‐use management decisions.”

    The Alliance is holding a public hearing on the draft Action Plan on October 13th in Charleston, SC.  Comments on the draft plan may be sent to SAA@ncdenr.gov.

    The Draft Action Plan may be found at http://www.southatlanticalliance.org/docs/Action_Plan_Draft.pdf.

    The public hearing announcement may be found at http://www.southatlanticalliance.org/docs/Charleston_Public_Hearing.pdf

    More information about the Alliance may be found at http://www.southatlanticalliance.org/index.htm


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