• You know things are bad when even your friends criticize you!

    Editors  Note: The following comment was received in response to the CRE  post on BOEMER bypassing the interests of  other ocean users in the licensing of  a wind development project.


    You know things are bad when even your friends criticize you!

    The BOEMER has been trying to ram thru a plan to build windmills over more than 2,000 nautical square miles — including parts of the Georges Bank fishing grounds. Fishermen, boaters and even oil companies all have interests in the area but their calls for multiple use of the area are ignored.

    The Gloucester Time recently wrote that Senators Kerry and Brown and Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts –friends of the Administration– had to challenge DoI Secretary Salazar to give their constituents more than 12 days after a “public hearing” to voice their concerns about the plan. Why the rush?http://www.gloucestertimes.com/local/x415202598/Comment-time-extended-for-ocean-wind-project

    The BOEMER plan also covers U.S. waters off California, Oregon, Washington, Delaware, New Jersey, Florida, New York, Georgia, North Carolina, Hawaii, and Rhode Island.

    One wonders if people in those states are also being shut out of these critical discussions? It would be good to hear from them.

    Whale Lover

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