• From CRE Brazil:Overfishing of Sharks

    A study done by New Southeastern University in Florida analyzed genetic material from 177 hammerhead sharks on the Brazilian coast, the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific and Indian Oceans and found in the DNA of 62 shark fins, the same species being sold in Hong Kong – one of the largest markets in the world where shark fins can cost up to US$700 per kilo. The research concluded that 21% of the fins came from the western Atlantic Ocean – an area that includes Brazil.

    For biologist Marcelo Szpilman, from the Aqualung Ecological Institute, the study indicates Brazilian fishermen are fishing illegally and trafficking shark fins. Aiming to curb these practices, community sectors are mobilizing. A public petition was sent to Congress supporting a new federal law stipulating that all sharks caught in Brazil be unloaded with their full fins and bodies intact. A bill to this effect has already been presented.

    See http://cre.org.br/index.php?action=see-news&wneCode=444&language=eng

    18 Março

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