• CRE Comments on BOEMRE’s ICR for Geological & Geophysical Explorations of the OCS

    The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) submitted comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE) on an ICR for Geological & Geophysical Exploration of the Outer Continental Shelf.  In the comments the CRE recommended that:

    1. BOEMRE should clearly state that it is not submitting any ICRs for seismic regulation that is more stringent than current regulation, including NTL 2007-G02.
    2. BOEMRE should defer submitting this ICR to OMB until a reasonable time after the end of the settlement stay in the New Orleans litigation. If there is any settlement, then BOEMRE should prepare a new ICR/burden estimates that addresses the settlement, and allow public comment on them, before sending the ICR to OMB.

    Please find the CRE’s comments here: CRE BOEMRE ICR Comments

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