• White House Response to Public Comments in the Formulation of the National Ocean Policy Draft Implementation Plan

    The White House has released its responses to public comments on the national ocean policy

    In mid-2011, the National Ocean Council released for public comment outlines for nine Strategic Action Plans that provided an initial view on how Federal agencies might address the nine priority objectives highlighted in the National Ocean Policy. The outlines, by design, were draft products that served as an early and valuable point in the Implementation Plan development process for focusing public and stakeholder input.

    During the public comment period that was open June 2 – July 2, 2011, the National Ocean Council received over 400 contributions from over 200 individuals and groups. In addition, approximately 1000 individuals and groups participated in and provided comments at 12 regional listening sessions around the country. The National Ocean Council agencies evaluated more than 850 specific comments from stakeholders and the public, many representing multiple submissions of very similar comments. We considered all of the comments and accepted many, incorporating them into the draft Implementation Plan.

    Click here to read a summary of the most substantive and frequent public comments and how they are addressed in the draft Implementation Plan.

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