• Rep. Bill Flores denounces administration ocean policy and its ‘ocean czar’ (My San Antonio)

    From: My San Antonio

    Texas Rep. Bill Flores thinks that the Obama administration’s new National Ocean Policy should be deep sixed.

    Speaking on “Fox and Friends,” the first-term Republican congressman from Bryan, said that the executive order was unnecessary and unwanted.

    “They’re essentially trying to [protect the oceans] from here in Washington with unelected, unaccountable — and now with the GSA activities — irresponsible bureaucrats,” Flores said.

    President Obama’s National Ocean Policy holds federal agencies responsible for protecting the oceans, coasts and the Great Lakes. Its goal: to “improve the health of oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes, which support tens of millions of jobs” and contribute greatly to the “national economy” and are “essential to the public health and national security.”

    Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade co-anchors of FOX News Channel’s “FOX & Friends” interviewed Flores and asked him his views on President Obama’s appointment of “an ocean czar?”

    “Congress talked about this for eight years in the past — not in this Congress, but prior congresses– and Congress elected to do nothing,” Flores said.

    As a member of the House National Resources Committee, Flores said his biggest apprehension about the legislation is “the breadth of the ruling.” He says the administration “wants to control activities in the oceans and all the sources thereof, which means that…[the government] can regulate activities of what my neighbor can do at their house.”

    Watch the interview here

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