Federal Employment

Red, White, and Blue Bar


    House Employees Position Classification Act

2 USC 291 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Government Employee Rights Act of 1991

2 USC 1201 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Executive Exchange Program Voluntary Services Act of 1986

5 USC 4103 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Thrift Savings Fund Investment Act of 1987

5 USC 8401 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


    Whistleblower protection

15 USC 2622; 33 USC 1637; 42 USC 300j-9(i), 5851, 6971, 7622, and 9610 (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    "Revolving Door Law"

18 USC 207 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

29 USC 201 et seq. (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967

29 USC 621 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970

29 USC 651 et seq. (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended

29 USC 1447, Sect. 2000e-16 (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988

29 USC 2001 et seq. (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

29 USC 2601 et seq. (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)

38 USC 43 (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment and Assistance Act of 1974

38 USC 4212 (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    Department of Veterans Affairs Labor Relations Improvement Act of 1991

38 USC 7421 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Department of Veterans Affairs Physician and Dentist Recruitment and Retention Act of 1991

38 USC 7431 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970

42 USC 4701 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, Oct. 21, 1998

P.L. 105-277 261 (Office of Personnel Management)

    Federal Employees Health Care Protection Act of 1998, Oct. 19, 1998

P.L. 105-266 261 (Office of Personnel Management)

    Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act, Oct. 17, 1998

P.L. 105-261 (Office of Personnel Management)

    Federal Employees' Compensation Act, Feb. 5, 1993

P. L. 103-3 (U. S. Dept. of Labor)

    Voluntary Separation Incentive Payments for Certain Federal Agencies

P.L. 104-208 (Office of Personnel Management)

    Federal Employees' Compensation Act

P.L. 103-3 (Dept. of Labor)


    E.O. 13109, Half-Day Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on Thursday, Dec. 24, 1998, Dec. 17, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13106, Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay and Delegation of a Federal Pay Administration Authority, Dec. 7, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 13105, Open Enrollment Season for Participants in the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, Nov. 2, 1998 (GPO Access)

    E.O. 11246, Nondiscrimination In Government Employment, Sept. 25, 1964 (U.S. Dept. of Labor)

    E.O. 11123, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10853 Relating to Various Allowances to Certain Government Personnel on Foreign Duty, October 18, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11120, Amendment of Executive Order No. 10152, Relating to Incentive Pay for Hazardous Duty, Executive Order No. 10168, Relating to Pay For Sea Duty and Duty at Certain Places, and Executive Order No. 10204, Relating, to Basic Allowances for Quarters, October 2, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11103, Providing for the Appointment of Former Peace Corps Volunteers to the Civilian Career Services, April 10, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11073, Providing for Federal Salary Administration, January 2, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11064, Excusing Federal Employees from Duty on December 24, 1962, November 21, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11056, Assigning to the Civil Service Commission Certain Authority with Respect to Federal Salaries, October 11, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11024, Exemption of Alan T. Waterman from Compulsory Retirement for Age, June 4, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10988, Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Service, January 17, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10987, Agency Systems for Appeals from Adverse Actions, January 17, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10979, Amendment of E.O. No. 10717 Establishing the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, December 12, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10970, Delegating Certain Authority of the President to Establish Maximum Per-Diem Rates for Government Personnel in Travel Status, October 27, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10959, Authorizing the Appointment of Mr. Maurice L. Kowal to a Competitive Position Without Regard to the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, August 17, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    OMB Bulletin 97-02, Voluntary Separation Incentives for Employees of Certain Agencies, Oct. 24, 1996 (Office of Personnel Management)

    Revised regulations for the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, June 7, 2000 (Office of Personnel and Management)

    Regulations of the Merit Systems Protection Board

5 CFR 1200 (U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board)

    Facts About Federal Sector Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Processing Regulations

29 CFR Part 1614 (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

    Federal Sector Information on EEO Processing (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)

    U. S. Office of Personnel Management Federal Register Documents, Dec. 1996 to present (Office of Personnel Management)

    Regulations on Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (Office of Personnel Management)

    Special appointing authority for veterans (Office of Personnel Management)

    Veterans' preference (Office of Personnel Management)

    Medical disqualifications of preference eligible veterans (Office of Personnel Management)

    Employment of noncitizens (Office of Personnel Management)

    Listing of OPM regulations and programs, Site Index (Office of Personnel Management)

    Merit Systems Protection Board - search cases

    Merit Systems Protection Board - questions and answers about appeals (Merit Systems Protection Board)

    Office of Special Counsel prohibited personnel practices (Office of Special Counsel)

    Whistleblower appeals to MSPB (Merit Systems Protection Board)


    Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal Sector (GSA)

    Federal Labor Relations Authority

    Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board

    Information on Federal retirement programs FERS and CSRS (Office of Personnel Management)

    Merit Systems Protection Board

    Office of Personnel Management

    Office of Special Counsel

    Prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) in the Civil Service Reform Act, as amended - 5 USC 2302(b) (Office of Special Counsel)

    Thrift Savings Plan

    U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

    U.S. Office of Special Counsel

    Whistleblower Disclosure Hotline (Office of Special Counsel)


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