
Red, White, and Blue Bar


    16 USC - Conservation (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    30 USC - Mineral Lands and Mining (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972, summary as amended

7 USC 136-136y, 86 Stat. 973, P.L. 92-516 (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    Global Climate Change Prevention Act of 1990

7 USC 6701 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Toxic Substances Control Act

15 USC 2601-2671; 90 Stat. 2003, 97 Stat. 485, 95 Stat. 1686, 98 Stat. 3358, 102 Stat. 829-833, 102 Stat. 1156; P.L. 97-129, 98-80, 98-620, 100-368, and 94-469, 100-481 (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    Global Climate Protection Act of 1987

15 USC 2901 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Global Change Research Act of 1990

15 USC 2921 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    International Cooperation in Global Change Research Act of 1990

15 USC 2951 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992

15 USC 5601 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980, summary

16 USC 410hh-3233, 43 USC 1602-1784, P.L. 96-487, 94 Stat. 2371 (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    National Forest Management Act of 1976, as amended, summary

16 US 1600-1614 (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    Refuge Recreation Act

16 USC 460k (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Refuge Revenue Sharing Act

16 USC 715s (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    National Wilderness Preservation System

16 USC 1131 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Endangered American Wilderness Act of 1978

16 USC 1132 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    De Soto Expedition Trail Commission Act of 1990

16 USC 1244 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Great Lakes Coastal Barrier Act of 1988

16 USC 3501 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    United Nations Environment Program Participation Act of 1973

22 USC 287 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    International Environment Protection Act of 1983, summary

22 U.S.C 2151q., 97 Stat. 1045, P.L. 98-164 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

    Global Environmental Protection Assistance Act of 1989

22 USC 2281 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Oil Pollution Act of 1990

33 USC 2701 et seq., 104 Stat. 484, P.L. 101-380 (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (PDF - Requires Adobe Acrobat)

33 USC 2701 et seq., 104 Stat. 484, P.L. 101-380(Bureau of Transportation Statistics, DOT)

    Oil Terminal and Oil Tanker Environmental Oversight and Monitoring Act of 1990

33 USC 2732 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA (Council on Environmental Quality)

    National Environmental Policy Act

42 USC 4321-4345 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970

42 USC 4371 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Development of low-noise-emission products

42 USC 4914 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Energy Policy and Conservation Act

42 USC 6201 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Acid Precipitation Act of 1980

42 USC 8901 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Pollution Prevention Act of 1990

42 USC 13101 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Food Quality Protection Act of 1996

P.L. 104-170 (Environmental Protection Agency)

    Edible Oil Regulatory Reform Act (PDF)

P.L. 104-55 (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, DOT)

    Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Acts of 1986 (SARA), summary

P.L. 99-499 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    1996 Farm Bill Conservation Provisions (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)

    Environmental Law Materials (Cornell Legal Information Institute)


    E.O. 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice tn Minority Populations and Low­Income Populations, February 11, 1994 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12873, Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention, October 20, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12856, Federal Compliance with Right­to­Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements, August 3, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12843, Procurement Requirements and Policies for Federal Agencies for Ozone­Depleting Substances, April 21, 1993 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 12088, Federal Compliance with Pollution Control Standards, Oct. 13, 1978 (General Services Administration)

    E.O. 11514, Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality, March 5, 1970 (General Services Administration)

    Regulations for Implementing NEPA

40 CFR 1500-1508 (Council on Environmental Quality)

    Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, EPA Worker Protection Standards, overview (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture)

    International Environmental Treaties and Resource Indicators (ENTRI) - search (Consortium for International Earth and Science Information)

    International environmental treaties - search (ENTRI)

    EPA Laws and Regulations (Environmental Protection Agency)

    Title 40 CFR - Protection of the Environment, headings (Environmental Protection Agency)

    Full text of all Federal Register documents issued by EPA, and of selected documents issued by other Departments and Agencies (Environmental Protection Agency)

    Federal Register - Environmental Subset - search (Environmental Protection Agency)

    Congressional Research Service reports on the environment, agriculture, and natural resources - search (Committee for the National Institute for the Environment)

    EES Model Consent Decrees (CERCLA) (Dept. of Justice)


    Center for Environmental Management Information, DOE

    Council on Environmental Quality

    Defense Environmental Network and Information eXchange, DOD

    Envirofacts (EPA)

    Environment and Natural Resources Division, DOJ

    Environmental Management Science Program, DOE

    Environmental Protection Agency

    National Biological Information Infrastructure

    National Climactic Data Center, DOC

    National Conservation Training Center (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    National Geophysical Data Center, DOC

    National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, HHS

    National Library for the Environment (Committee for the National Institute for the Environment)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, DOC

    National Park Service, DOI

    Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA

    National Weather Service, DOC

    National Wetlands Inventory, DOI

    National Wildlife Refuge System

    Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA

    Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Policy and Guidance, EPA

    Section of Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law (American Bar Association)

    U.S. Department of the Interior

    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, DOI

    U.S. Forest Service, USDA

    U.S. Geologic Survey, DOI



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