P-PO |
♦ |
Pacific Northwest
Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act |
♦ |
Pacific Salmon Treaty
Act of 1985 |
♦ |
Padre Island National
Seashore Act |
♦ |
Palmyra Island
(Hawaii), Administration of, E.O. 10967 |
♦ |
Pan-American Naval
Academy Act |
♦ |
Papers of the
Confederate States of America |
♦ |
Paperwork Reduction Act |
♦ |
Veterans of America |
♦ |
Paris Convention for the
Protection of Industrial Property |
♦ |
Paris Peace Treaty of 1783 |
♦ |
Excluded From Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs |
♦ |
Partnerships for Wildlife
Act |
♦ |
Partnerships in
Education for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Act |
♦ |
application forms |
♦ |
Patent, trademark, copyright,
and intellectual property |
♦ |
Patent Act of the U.S. |
♦ |
Patent Cooperation
Treaty |
♦ |
and Trademark Office, DOC |
♦ |
Patent Cooperation
Treaty, 1984 |
♦ |
Database - search |
♦ |
Patent Examining Procedure |
♦ |
Patent law, overview |
♦ |
Patent law materials |
♦ |
Patent and Trademark Office
forms |
♦ |
Patents |
♦ |
Patents, Index to Manual of
Classification |
♦ |
Patents Board,
Abolishing the Government, and Providing for the Performance of its
Functions, E.O. 10930 |
♦ |
Patriotic societies and
observations |
♦ |
Pay -
Administration of the Act, Relating to Evacuation Payments, Assignments, and
Allotments, and Other Matters, E.O. 10982 |
♦ |
Pay - Uniformed Services Health
Provisions Special Pay Act of 1980 |
♦ |
Pay and Allowances
of the Uniformed Services |
♦ |
Pay and
Delegation of a Federal Pay Administration Authority, Adjustments of Certain
Rates of, E.O. 13106 |
♦ |
Payment-in-Kind Tax
Treatment Act of 1983 |
♦ |
Peace Corps |
♦ |
Peace Corps Act |
♦ |
Peace Corps in the
Department of State, Continuance and Administration of the, E.O. 11041 |
♦ |
Peace Corps
Volunteers to the Civilian Career Services, Providing for the Appointment of
Former, E.O. 11103 |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Avenue
Development Corporation Act of 1972 |
♦ |
Constitution of 1776 |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Constitution of
1790 |
♦ |
Pennsylvania, Eastern District Court |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Eastern District Bankruptcy
Court |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Middle District Bankruptcy
Court |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Middle District
Bankruptcy Court (unofficial) |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Middle District Court |
♦ |
State Bar |
♦ |
Pennsylvania Western District Court |
♦ |
Wilderness Act of 1984 |
♦ |
Benefit Guaranty Corporation |
♦ |
Pension Plan
Amendments Act of 1980, Multi-Employer |
♦ |
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration,
♦ |
Pension Policy
Commission Act |
♦ |
Per Capita Act, tribal
members |
♦ |
Per Curiam |
♦ |
Per Diem, Travel and
Transportation Allowance Committee, DOD |
♦ |
Perishable Agricultural
Commodities Act, 1930 |
♦ |
Persian Gulf War
Veterans' Health Status Act |
♦ |
Personal property |
♦ |
property program, Regulations and policies affecting the Federal |
♦ |
Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 |
♦ |
Personnel practices
prohibited in the Civil Service Reform Act, as amended |
♦ |
Pesticide Monitoring
Improvements Act of 1988, residues in food |
♦ |
Petersburg National
Battlefield Act |
♦ |
Petroglyph National
Monument Establishment Act of 1990 |
♦ |
Petroleum Marketing
Practices Act |
♦ |
Petroleum Overcharge
Distribution and Restitution Act of 1986 |
♦ |
Alpha Delta |
♦ |
Physical Fitness,
Establishing The President's Council on, E.O. 11074 |
♦ |
Payment Review Commission [Name has changed to Medicare Payment Advisory
Commission (MedPAC)] |
♦ |
Pictured Rocks National
Lakeshore Act |
♦ |
Computer Software, E.O. 13103 |
♦ |
Pitman-Bloom Act, war
between foreign states |
♦ |
Poison Prevention
Packaging Act of 1970 |
♦ |
Political behavior |
♦ |
Pollution - Oil Pollution
Act of 1990 |
♦ |
Control Standards, Federal Compliance with, summary, E.O. 12088 |
♦ |
Pollution Correction
Act of 1987, Rio Grande |
♦ |
Pollution from Ships,
Act to Prevent |
♦ |
Pollution Prevention
Act of 1990 |
♦ |
Prevention Requirements, Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and, E.O.
12856 |
♦ |
Polygraph Protection
Act for Employees |
♦ |
Ponca Restoration Act |
♦ |
Pork Promotion,
Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985 |
♦ |
Port and Tanker Safety
Act of 1978 |
♦ |
Portal-to-Portal Act of
1947, pay |
♦ |
Service (USPS) |
♦ |
Procurement Protest Digest, search 1987-present |
♦ |
Postal Savings System
Statute of Limitations Act |
♦ |
Bid Protests at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims |
♦ |
General, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to, E.O. 11002 |
♦ |
Potato Research and
Promotion Act |
♦ |
Poultry Products
Inspection Act |
♦ |
Poultry Racket Act |
♦ |
Powerplant and
Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978 |