FedLaw Topical & Title Index

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H I-Inf Inj-Iz J K L M-Mik Mil-My N-Nat Nav-Nu O P-Po Pr-Py Q
R-Ref Reg-Ry S-Sm Sn-Sz T-Te Th-Ty U V W-Wa We-Wy Y Z

Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act
Pacific Salmon Treaty Act of 1985
Padre Island National Seashore Act
Palmyra Island (Hawaii), Administration of, E.O. 10967
Pan-American Naval Academy Act
Papers of the Confederate States of America
Paperwork Reduction Act
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
Paris Peace Treaty of 1783
Parties Excluded From Federal Procurement and Nonprocurement Programs
Partnerships for Wildlife Act
Partnerships in Education for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Act
Passport application forms
Patent, trademark, copyright, and intellectual property
Patent Act of the U.S. 
Patent Cooperation Treaty
Patent and Trademark Office, DOC
Patent Cooperation Treaty, 1984
Patent Database - search
Patent Examining Procedure
Patent law, overview
Patent law materials
Patent and Trademark Office forms
Patents, Index to Manual of Classification
Patents Board, Abolishing the Government, and Providing for the Performance of its Functions, E.O. 10930
Patriotic societies and observations
Pay - Administration of the Act, Relating to Evacuation Payments, Assignments, and Allotments, and Other Matters, E.O. 10982 
Pay - Uniformed Services Health Provisions Special Pay Act of 1980
Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services
Pay and Delegation of a Federal Pay Administration Authority, Adjustments of Certain Rates of, E.O. 13106
Payment-in-Kind Tax Treatment Act of 1983
Peace Corps
Peace Corps Act
Peace Corps in the Department of State, Continuance and Administration of the, E.O. 11041
Peace Corps Volunteers to the Civilian Career Services, Providing for the Appointment of Former, E.O. 11103
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act of 1972
Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776
Pennsylvania Constitution of 1790
Pennsylvania, Eastern District Court
Pennsylvania Eastern District Bankruptcy Court
Pennsylvania Middle District Bankruptcy Court
Pennsylvania Middle District Bankruptcy Court (unofficial)
Pennsylvania Middle District Court
Pennsylvania State Bar
Pennsylvania Western District Court
Pennsylvania Wilderness Act of 1984
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Pension Plan Amendments Act of 1980, Multi-Employer
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, DOL
Pension Policy Commission Act
Per Capita Act, tribal members
Per Curiam
Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee, DOD
Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930
Persian Gulf War Veterans' Health Status Act
Personal property
Personal property program, Regulations and policies affecting the Federal
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
Personnel practices prohibited in the Civil Service Reform Act, as amended
Pesticide Monitoring Improvements Act of 1988, residues in food
Petersburg National Battlefield Act
Petroglyph National Monument Establishment Act of 1990
Petroleum Marketing Practices Act
Petroleum Overcharge Distribution and Restitution Act of 1986
Phi Alpha Delta
Physical Fitness, Establishing The President's Council on, E.O. 11074
Physician Payment Review Commission [Name has changed to Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC)]
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Act
Piracy, Computer Software, E.O. 13103
Pitman-Bloom Act, war between foreign states
Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970
Political behavior
Pollution - Oil Pollution Act of 1990
Pollution Control Standards, Federal Compliance with, summary, E.O. 12088
Pollution Correction Act of 1987, Rio Grande
Pollution from Ships, Act to Prevent
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990
Pollution Prevention Requirements, Federal Compliance with Right-to-Know Laws and, E.O. 12856
Polygraph Protection Act for Employees
Ponca Restoration Act
Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985
Port and Tanker Safety Act of 1978
Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947, pay
Postal Service (USPS)
Postal Procurement Protest Digest, search 1987-present
Postal Savings System Statute of Limitations Act
Post-Award Bid Protests at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims
Postmaster General, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to, E.O. 11002 
Potato Research and Promotion Act
Poultry Products Inspection Act
Poultry Racket Act
Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act of 1978