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TITLE 12 > CHAPTER 14 > Sec. 1754. Prev | Next

Sec. 1754. - Approval of organization certificate

The organization certificate shall be presented to the Board for approval. Before any organization certificate is approved, an appropriate investigation shall be made for the purpose of determining


whether the organization certificate conforms to the provisions of this chapter;


the general character and fitness of the subscribers thereto; and


the economic advisability of establishing the proposed Federal credit union. Upon approval of such organization certificate by the Board it shall be the charter of the corporation, and one of the originals thereof shall be delivered to the corporation after the payment of the fee required therefor. Upon such approval the Federal credit union shall be a body corporate and as such, subject to the limitations herein contained, shall be vested with all of the powers and charged with all of the liabilities conferred and imposed by this chapter upon corporations organized hereunder

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