Sec. 1751. Short title
Sec. 1751a. Omitted
Sec. 1752. Definitions
Sec. 1752a. National Credit Union Administration
Sec. 1753. Federal credit union organization
Sec. 1754. Approval of organization certificate
Sec. 1755. Fees
Sec. 1756. Reports and examinations
Sec. 1756a. Omitted
Sec. 1757. Powers
Sec. 1757a. Limitation on member business loans
Sec. 1758. Bylaws
Sec. 1759. Membership
Sec. 1760. Members' meetings
Sec. 1761. Management
Sec. 1761a. Officers of the board
Sec. 1761b. Board of directors; meetings; powers and duties; executive committee; membership officers; membership application
Sec. 1761c. Credit committee
Sec. 1761d. Supervisory committee; powers and duties; suspension of members; passbook
Sec. 1762. Repealed. Pub. L. 105-219, title III, Sec. 301g3, Aug. 7, 1998, 112 Stat. 931
Sec. 1763. Dividends
Sec. 1764. Expulsion and withdrawal
Sec. 1765. Minors
Sec. 1766. Powers of Board
Sec. 1767. Fiscal agents and depositories; authorization to secure deposits by governmental bodies
Sec. 1768. Taxation
Sec. 1769. Separability; right to alter, amend, or repeal chapter
Sec. 1770. Allotment of space in Federal buildings
Sec. 1771. Conversion from Federal to State credit union and from State to Federal credit union
Sec. 1772. Territorial application of chapter
Sec. 1772a. Gifts; acceptance of conditional gifts; deposit
Sec. 1772b. Apportionment
Sec. 1772c. Trust fund
Sec. 1772c-1. Community development revolving loan fund for credit unions
Sec. 1772d. Forfeiture of organization certificate for money laundering or cash transaction reporting offenses
Sec. 1773. District of Columbia credit unions; conversion to Federal status
Sec. 1774. Approval of certificate; assets and obligations of applicant credit union
Sec. 1775. Conditions upon conversion to Federal status
Sec. 1781. Insurance of member accounts
Sec. 1782. Administration of insurance fund
Sec. 1783. National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund
Sec. 1784. Examination of insured credit unions
Sec. 1785. Requirements governing insured credit unions
Sec. 1786. Termination of insured credit union status; cease and desist orders; removal or suspension from office; procedure
Sec. 1786a. Regulation and examination of credit union organizations and service providers
Sec. 1787. Payment of insurance
Sec. 1788. Special assistance to avoid liquidation
Sec. 1789. Administrative provisions
Sec. 1789a. Credit unions as depositaries of public money; fiscal agents; duties
Sec. 1790. Nondiscriminatory provision
Sec. 1790a. Board disapproval of directors, committee members, and senior executive officers of insured credit unions
Sec. 1790b. Credit union employee protection remedy
Sec. 1790c. Reward for information leading to recoveries or civil penalties
Sec. 1790d. Prompt corrective action
Sec. 1795. Congressional findings
Sec. 1795a. Definitions
Sec. 1795b. National Credit Union Administration Central Liquidity Facility; establishment; management; jurisdiction
Sec. 1795c. Membership
Sec. 1795d. Capital stock
Sec. 1795e. Extensions of credit
Sec. 1795f. Powers of Board
Sec. 1795g. Depositories, custodians, and fiscal agents
Sec. 1795h. Audit of financial transactions
Sec. 1795i. Annual report
Sec. 1795j. Agent of Federal Reserve System
Sec. 1795k. State and local tax exemption
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