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TITLE 41 > CHAPTER 7 > Sec. 426. Prev | Next

Sec. 426. - Use of electronic commerce in Federal procurement

(a) In general

The head of each executive agency, after consulting with the Administrator, shall establish, maintain, and use, to the maximum extent that is practicable and cost-effective, procedures and processes that employ electronic commerce in the conduct and administration of its procurement system.

(b) Applicable standards

In conducting electronic commerce, the head of an agency shall apply nationally and internationally recognized standards that broaden interoperability and ease the electronic interchange of information.

(c) Agency procedures

The head of each executive agency shall ensure that systems, technologies, procedures, and processes established pursuant to this section -


are implemented with uniformity throughout the agency, to the extent practicable;


are implemented only after granting due consideration to the use or partial use, as appropriate, of existing electronic commerce and electronic data interchange systems and infrastructures such [1] the Federal acquisition computer network architecture known as FACNET; ''as''.


facilitate access to Federal Government procurement opportunities, including opportunities for small business concerns, socially and economically disadvantaged small business concerns, and business concerns owned predominantly by women; and


ensure that any notice of agency requirements or agency solicitation for contract opportunities is provided in a form that allows convenient and universal user access through a single, Government-wide point of entry.

(d) Implementation

The Administrator shall, in carrying out the requirements of this section -


issue policies to promote, to the maximum extent practicable, uniform implementation of this section by executive agencies, with due regard for differences in program requirements among agencies that may require departures from uniform procedures and processes in appropriate cases, when warranted because of the agency mission;


ensure that the head of each executive agency complies with the requirements of subsection (c) of this section with respect to the agency systems, technologies, procedures, and processes established pursuant to this section; and


consult with the heads of appropriate Federal agencies with applicable technical and functional expertise, including the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the General Services Administration, and the Department of Defense.

(e) Report

Not later than March 1 of each even-numbered year through 2004, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report setting forth in detail the progress made in implementing the requirements of this section. The report shall include the following:


A strategic plan for the implementation of a Government-wide electronic commerce capability.


An agency-by-agency summary of implementation of the requirements of subsection (c) of this section, including timetables, as appropriate, addressing when individual agencies will come into full compliance.


A specific assessment of compliance with the requirement in subsection (c) of this section to provide universal public access through a single, Government-wide point of entry.


An agency-by-agency summary of the volume and dollar value of transactions that were conducted using electronic commerce methods during the previous two fiscal years.


A discussion of possible incremental changes to the electronic commerce capability referred to in subsection (c)(4) of this section to increase the level of government contract information available to the private sector, including an assessment of the advisability of including contract award information in the electronic commerce functional standard.

(f) ''Electronic commerce'' defined

For the purposes of this section, the term ''electronic commerce'' means electronic techniques for accomplishing business transactions, including electronic mail or messaging, World Wide Web technology, electronic bulletin boards, purchase cards, electronic funds transfers, and electronic data interchange

[1] So in original. Probably should be followed by
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