DISA Rolls Out Defense Department Online Collaboration Tool

From: US Department of Defense

By Cheryl Pellerin DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 2015 – The Defense Information Systems Agency is rolling out a new online collaboration tool that offers Defense Department employees anywhere in the world secure web conferencing and secure instant messaging and chat capabilities.

Click photo for screen-resolution image This screen shot shows the Defense Information Systems Agency’s new online collaboration tool, which offers Defense Department employees anywhere in the world secure Web conferencing, as well as secure instant messaging and chat capabilities. DISA photo illustration   (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available.

The new open-source-based capability, called Defense Collaboration Services, or DCS, is available to anyone worldwide with a common access card, or CAC, on the unclassified NIPRNet, or to anyone with a SIPRnet token on the classified network, Karl Kurz, DISA program manager for DCS, told DoD News during a recent interview.

NIPRNet is the Sensitive but Unclassified Internet Protocol Router Network, and SIPRNet means Secret Internet protocol router network, and both are DoD networks.

“Anyone who has either one of those [authorized network accesses] is authorized to create an account on DCS and then can hold meetings using this service,” Kurz said. “Defense Collaboration Services is in the process of rolling out to the department.”

Defense Collaboration Services

“We initially released a tech preview to the entire department for testing on Oct. 1,” Kurz added, “and then as we matured the service, we reached initial operational capability in mid-December.”

At that point, the computer scientist said, DISA began transitioning internal collaboration sessions and processes from the predecessor system, Defense Connect Online, to DCS.

DISA worked with U.S. Cyber Command, which released a message in January directing the configuration of local networks across the department, Kurz said, “so that by the end of February, the entire department will have the ability to reach DCS.”

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