Intel Security Executive: Weakest Link is Mobile

From: The Wall Street Journal | Risk & Compliance Journal

By Ben DiPietro

Gary Davis, Intel Security’s chief consumer security evangelist, speaks to Risk & Compliance Journal about company compliance in the era of the Internet of Things and wearable technology, and how mobile remains the weakest link in a company’s cyberdefense.


What role should regulators play in educating on this?

Mr. Davis: I would prefer industry lead, that will have the best chance of success instead of having government try and instead overregulate this space. The Federal Trade Commission recently came out with a 71-page report that says we’ve got to get ahead of all of these Internet of Things and devices, making sure we are putting the proper safeguards in place so we don’t give hackers another attack surface. Now is the time to do this rather than waiting until these are deployed in mass.

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