What Apple Is Missing About Cyber Security

From: HuffPost

Last week, Apple CEO Tim Cook attended a cyber security conference sponsored by the White House, in which he signed up for a framework to share information on cyber threats between companies.

However, in an impassioned speech, he made the case for not violating user privacy even to protect national security, and staunchly refused to share information with the U.S. government. Apple has also made it virtually impossible for law enforcement to obtain data from its devices even with a valid court order.


In this environment, and what Cook seems unable or unwilling to recognize, is that privacy and security are inextricably linked. You can’t have the former without the latter, and just because Apple won’t reveal information to the government doesn’t mean that information could never be hacked by criminals. Let’s not forget that our biggest banks and retailers also promised us protection, but were unable to provide it.


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