Technology Convergence Holds Promise to Redefine the Federal Landscape

Editor’s Note: The Federal Technology Convergence Commission Report, BUILDING A SMARTER NATION: THE CONVERGENCE OF SOCIAL, MOBILE, ANALYTICS, AND CLOUD is available here.

From: Press Release

Social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud (SMAC) are technologies that have all made their mark independently and are rapidly changing the world. Today, Creating IT Futures, the philanthropic arm of CompTIA, released the Federal Technology Convergence Commission Report to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), identifying the potential impact that converged technologies could have on government communication, cooperation, and the ability to address the nation’s most significant issues.

The convergence of information technology has been one of the most noticeable and important trends in the IT sector over the past few years. The interconnectivity of mobile devices, social media, cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity are poised to be tremendously disruptive to traditional conceptions of information technology. While the final product of this convergence may not be immediately clear, the report identifies a number of steps that the government can take in order to ensure that it is best prepared to take full advantage of the benefits that it can offer.

The report’s impact analysis and recommendations are presented in the following areas: International Outlook; Federal Public-Sector Community Impact; Convergence and the Individual Citizen; CIO Guideline; Workforce; and Procurement.

“These convergent technologies allow citizens to more easily communicate and engage with the government and quickly share ideas across the globe,” said Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO, CompTIA. “We see the Technology Convergence Commission Report as the first collaborative step between industry and the government to advance the adoption of emerging technologies.”

“Our connected world is giving rise to new ways to drive innovation, progress, efficiency, and value creation,” said Kay Kapoor, co-chair, TechAmerica Convergence Commission and president, AT&T Government Solutions. “This report provides insights and ideas about how key connectivity technologies used in combination can help our government improve mission delivery at home and abroad.”

“This report lays out key recommendations for using convergence in the public sector to solve big problems and build a smarter nation,” said Dave Zolet, co-chair, TechAmerica Convergence Commission and executive vice president and general manager, Americas Region, CSC. “The power of convergence affects the nature of the relationship between individual citizens, the United States as a nation, and the United States and the world.”

ABOUT THE TECHAMERICA CONVERGENCE COMMISSION Formed in July 2014, the TechAmerica Convergence Commission brings together technology leaders to make recommendations to the U.S. Administration on the convergence of social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC) technologies. Co-chaired by Kay Kapoor, president of AT&T Government Solutions, and David Zolet, executive vice president and general manager of Computer Sciences Corporation’s (CSC) Americas Region, the TechAmerica Convergence Commission offers industry insights on how SMAC convergence can improve government services and efficiency, while also driving innovation in addition to economic growth.

ABOUT THE CREATING IT FUTURES FOUNDATION As the philanthropic arm of CompTIA, the Creating IT Futures Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity with the mission of helping populations under-represented in the information technology industry and individuals who are lacking in opportunity to prepare for, secure, and be successful in IT careers. The foundation cultivates best practices in IT workforce development and STEM education.



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