OMB Opens Door Into PortfolioStat Metrics

From: CIO.Gov

CIO Council Operations

In 2009, the IT Dashboard was launched to shine light on the spending and performance of IT investments across the Federal Government. To build upon this transparency effort, OMB is releasing on the IT Dashboard—for the first time—IT performance metrics used in internal discussions with agencies, including in PortfolioStat sessions.

This level of visibility into Federal IT investments continues the Administration’s commitment to transparency and reinforces its belief that more openness will lead to a more effective and accountable government. Publicly sharing these performance metrics on the IT Dashboard will allow anyone who is interested to more accurately track the progress being made in Federal IT at agencies and across the entire Federal government.

The metrics being released are oriented around the Federal CIO’s three core objectives for the Federal IT portfolio:

(1) driving value in Federal IT investments,
(2) delivering world-class digital services, and
(3) protecting Federal IT assets and information.

The performance metrics have already been used many times in data-driven discussions with agencies to assess agency performance and progress against these core objectives.

In addition, in 2013, the government evolved Federal data center modernization efforts away from focusing solely on closing duplicative and outdated data centers and toward the optimization of agencies’ core data centers. While data center closure numbers have always been publicly available, OMB is now also making the values of some of these optimization metrics available for public review on the IT Dashboard. These enhanced metrics include facility utilization, storage utilization, and virtual hosts.

Over time, OMB intends to continue to increase the breadth and depth of performance metrics and visualizations available publicly on the IT Dashboard in order to better show agency progress on IT policies or initiatives and allow the public to understand exactly how well the government is delivering. If you have feedback or suggestions on how to improve these metrics or the visualizations, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.



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