DHS Courts Private Sector For Threat Intelligence-Sharing

From: DarkReading

Kelly Jackson Higgins

Homeland Security NCCIC now STIX- and TAXII-enabled for automated machine-to-machine sharing of intel, agency officials told attendees at the RSA Conference.

RSA CONFERENCE — San Francisco — The US Department of Homeland Security doesn’t want to “cannibalize” existing cyberthreat-intelligence services and operations, but rather work with and help them thrive, DHS undersecretary for cybersecurity and communications Phyllis Schneck said here yesterday.

Schneck, who works with the National Protection and Programs Directorate of the DHS, in a presentation here, outlined how the DHS National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) will operate as a central repository for threat intel-sharing under the new Executive Order encouraging more sharing of intelligence in the federal government, and between the feds and private industry.

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