White House Calls For Encryption By Default On Federal Websites By Late 2016

From: DarkReading

Kelly Jackson Higgins

Just 31% of federal agencies today host HTTPS websites and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has now given the rest of the government a deadline for doing so. 

In yet another step toward making Internet encryption the new normal, the White House has instituted a new policy requiring all federal agencies to use HTTPS for their public-facing websites by the end of next year.

To date, only 31% of federal agencies run encrypted, HTTPS websites, including whitehouse.gov, cia.gov, nsa.gov, and omb.gov. Interestingly, dhs.gov and fbi.gov are among the agency websites that are not HTTPS-enabled as yet, according to a federal website that tracks and grades HTTPS adoption among agencies.

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